Maker Faire SF is a little over a month away – before, during and after there’s an amazing torrent of photos that hit the web. Each year I see tens of thousands whip out their iPhones and phones to take photos of all the amazing things at the Faire. Here are some handy tips for taking good photos of cars with an iPhone, but the same applies to many of the things you’ll see at the Faire, like giant shiny robots that breath fire. Sam @ JALOPNIK writes –
In the spirit of Chase Jarvis’s excellent book The Best Camera is the One That’s With You, I’ve recently started shooting cars with my iPhone 3GS. Who knew that tiny little lens had soul?
The images you see here were not retouched. They weren’t sharpened or cropped, their colors weren’t boosted, and I didn’t put them through any filters. The only magic here is the glow of a California afternoon and the liquid love that passes for red paint in Ingolstadt. Not bad for a phone camera, eh?Don’t get me wrong: None of these pictures are masterpieces. But like any other camera, the iPhone rewards attention to detail, and it can produce remarkably good images if you’re paying attention. It also recently became the most tagged camera on Flickr. We figured it was time for a few car-snappin’ tips.
Thanks Johngineer!