And we’re back with our twenty-seventh installment of Your Comments. Here are our favorites from the past week, from Make: Online, our Facebook page, and Twitter.
In response to the new Maker Mom Facebook Page, Omar E Ferrer reminisces:
I know I’m supposed to say here, what I did for my mom, but I rather share what she did for me. When I was a kid (like a geological era ago), my mom knew I was into astronomy, so, during a vacation, using cardboard and other materials, she made me a replica of a moon landscape, and set up some cheap bubble gum containers to appear like flying saucers using cocktail sticks as cannons, I’m sorry I don’t have a picture (as I said, a geological era ago), but it was one of the coolest thing ever any mom could have made for her kid!
When seeing the R2D2 rain barrel, bastien notes:
Shouldn’t they have made a C-3PO rain barrel? After all, his first job was programming binary loadlifters, which are very similar to moisture evaporators, in most respects.
In response to Upcycled Game Controller Wallets, Mary reminisces:
i think you may be a little harsh on creativity and artistry. Well, for me, I AM amazed that someone can turn turn things into a step back into time using things that are fun and nostalgic. As the saying goes…”beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and may I add, love the nostalgia. Thanks for the fun memories
The article Ristow’s “Face Forward” Robotic Sculpture has a funny remark by Anton Christopher McInerney in the comments section:
I see this country is in no danger of losing face anytime soon!
With news that Heathkit has closed up shop (again) Chris Wittington remembers:
That is too bad. In the 70′s I built a Heathkit 25 inch color TV, oscilloscope, and nixie tube multimeter as part of a correspondence course for the grand total of $140.00. And they all still work.
Thanks, GI Bill!
In a post on Knocking Down Pallets we unexpectedly found a pallet maven in user thebes42:
Having built a cabin 50% of recycled lumber from pallets-
You can take apart pallets with a large pry or crow bar just fine.
If you’re messing with large oak pallets or something exotic like that you might have trouble with just a large crow bar and need to give it some persuasion with a 5lb sledge, but you won’t ruin everything, probably won’t ruin more than a trivial amount of wood given that its had for fuel costs…Pallets are great, some of them have oak 3x4s in the center. If you check at 20 or 30 industrial sites you might find oak studs that are long enough for a residential wall- our whole cabin is studded with these. Our friend who helped once recovered cocobolo 6×6′s from oversized imported pallets of some kind, but that was his best score over several years or scrapping pallets.
Like these comments? Be sure to sound off in the comments! You could be in next week’s column.