They usually work so well, it’s easy to forget about all the electronics crammed inside a compact fluorescent light bulb. MAKE reader Ollie AJ1O sent us a link to ham Michael J. Rainey’s (AA1TJ) “Das DereLicht” radio, a transmitter made almost completely from the parts of a defective CFL bulb.
This electronic puzzle was a result of my changing a defective compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) in my kitchen. For some reason, I began to wonder if it would be possible to build a QRP CW transmitter using the electronic components salvaged from this derelict lamp.
Indeed, I’m pleased to report that a perfectly serviceable transmitter may be constructed! The only additional components required were the quartz crystal, and four of the five components needed for the output lowpass filter. The resulting transmitter produces up to 1.5 watts on 80m.
For all the hams out there: what’s the coolest radio hack you’ve created or heard of? Send us a shout in the comments.