These DIY Pedal powered television plans cost $50 and you get 30 day email support, so might be worth it if you’re looking to build one – “The Pedal Powered Prime Mover (PPPM) can be assembled with standard hand tools (drill, hacksaw, wrench, pliers, screwdriver, etc.). There is no welding, brazing or machine-shop work required. The PPPM can be used to power virtually anything that spins or rotates, as long as the effort required is within the capabilities of the rider..The approximate cost for parts to construct the PPPM, based on full retail prices at hardware and bicycle stores in Northern California, is US $230.00” [via] – Link.
If any Makers out there built one of these, let us know.
Update: David, the Maker of the plans wrote in… Checkout this news article – Link. – Which is about the Australian guy who is doing this! – Link. And he’s using MY PPPM down there!