Don't Miss Tomorrow Night's Hardware Didactic Galactic - Make: Don't Miss Tomorrow Night's Hardware Didactic Galactic - Make:

Don’t Miss Tomorrow Night’s Hardware Didactic Galactic

Arduino Technology Wearables
Kitty Yeung stands with her back to the camera looking over one shoulder, displaying her 3D printed solar panel wearable recharging station on her back.

If you are in SF tomorrow night don’t miss this month’s Hardware Developer Didactic Galactic, a monthly meetup of hardware enthusiasts that features talks, hacks, and demos from innovative experts in various hardware fields. Each month features a different theme, this month is Solar/Optical. Make: author and live stream host Kitty Yeung will be presenting her recent solar powered work:

Kitty’s talk will give an overview of the wearables industry with demos of technology-embedded garments. She will discuss a few ideas for future development.

Also speaking is longtime Make: contributor Joe Grand who will demo his latest project:

Joe recently created OpticSpy, an open source hardware module for experimenting with optical data transmissions. It captures, amplifies, and converts an optical signal from a visible or infrared light source into a digital form that can be analyzed or decoded with a computer.

Joe’s talk will provide a brief history of optical communications, discuss OpticSpy’s development process and operational details, and give some demonstrations of the unit in action.

Event poster

If you aren’t in SF, don’t sweat it. You can find the talks up on Supplyframe Hardware’s Youtube Channel after the event, as well as all the past talks.


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Light cutter, fashion trend hunter, urbex artist, and space enthusiast.

Staff Photographer and Photo Editor at Make.

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