There’s a lot of speculation about future iPods, and if they’ll play video – but you don’t need to wait, the latest version of podzilla (Linux for the iPod) plays video, and now video with sound. Here’s a quick HOW TO on installing podzilla and a video with sound playing on an iPod photo…
There are a few ways to do this, but here’s what I did – I installed podzilla from a Mac, so I used the “4G iPodLinux Installer 0.4” which can be downloaded from here.
The 4G iPodLinux Installer installs iPodLinux onto your 4th generation iPod, iPod photo, and iPod mini with no hassle.
Now, download the latest builds from iPodLinux.org http://ipodlinux.org/builds/
The two files I downloaded were:
Each file was decompressed, now control click / right click “4G iPodLinux Installer.app” and choose “Show package contents”.
Browse to the folder Contents/Resources/InstallationStuff/
Replace: 2005-08-23-kernel.bin and 2005-08-23-podzilla
With the most recent builds, I renamed my the same name, seems that the naming might be specific.
Close the window and double click the 4G iPodLinux Installer.app.
Your iPod photo should appear in the list, if it does not you may need to make sure the iPod photo was Mac formated. To format iPod photo for Macs, just download the iPod updater from Apple and restore. http://www.apple.com/ipod/download/
Once podzilla is installed, I added a new folder while the iPod was still on my desktop called “video” and added two of the sample files from iPodlinux.
Remove the iPod from the cradle, press and hold the menu and center button at the same time. The iPod will reboot to Podzilla and using the file manager browse to the video directory and play the video.
Here’s the video! Click here to view.
For more information, visit: http://ipodlinux.org/Video_Player
The iPodLinux page also has instructions for making your own videos, as well as installing from Windows. If you convert any videos, let us know.