HandBrake is a GPL’d multi-platform, multithreaded DVD to MPEG-4 ripper/converter – it’s super easy to rip the DVDs you have and put them on the new iPhone – they look great and are about 1 GB each, here’s how…
First, get HandBrake – Link. There are also PC versions of HandBrake, it might work about the same way.
Install it, run it. Pop the DVD in. Pick the DVD volume. Choose your settings, I use the defaults usually.
It takes about 30 min or so, it runs fine in the background.
Drag the MP4 file it makes in to iTunes, in videos tab in iTunes for the iPhone select the movie, click Sync.
In a couple minutes it transfers over.
It’s about a gig.
The video is in the videos section. iPod / Videos.
It looks and sounds great!
*Joe notes – I found if you create a new preset for iphone in handbrake and set the video dimensions to 480×320 you can crunch movies down to a much smaller size optimized for the iphone native resolution.