5 Easy JavaScript Tricks You Can Teach Your BeagleBone

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Jason Kridner, co-founder of BeagleBone.org, took to the Electronics Stage last September at Maker Faire New York and demonstrated cool tricks you can do with the BeagleBone Black.

To begin with he talked about using the BBB as a web server. It comes with javascript library that can be embedded in any web page and communicates with the physical board as well, allowing the BBB to be part of a robot and also control motors and sensors.

Some of the resources Jason talks about include BoneScript, a Node.js library for the BB, HTML manager jQuery, Processing port Processing.JS, data publisher Spacebrew, online visualizer Flot and visual JavaScript creator Google Blockly. It’s a great talk, check it out!

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal nerdage.net

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