PCBs in plaid

PCBs in plaid

 Tutorial News Mf-Flame-1

Sparkfun preps for Maker Faire –

The Flame kit is an interactive piece we’ve been working on. The individual flame has an ATtiny13 running some basic detection and LED pulsing firmware. All parts are through hole and the kit goes together in 5-10 minutes. We will show you how to solder! We plan to have 9 or so solder stations setup at our Maker Faire booth. A great, quick kit for beginners. The kits are free but we are accepting a suggested $5 donation that will go to a couple local Austin non-profits including the Angleheart Children’s Shelter and The Robot Group. We’ve got magnets and a large metal wall to add your flame to the collective. It’s going to be pretty epileptic.

Plaid PCBs

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