Personalize Your Flickr Replies

Personalize Your Flickr Replies

Personalized Flickr Reply
Serious Flickr users who regularly respond to multiple comments on their photos might be looking for something a little more personal and functional than the de facto @username: convention for specific replies. For this specialized task, Flickr user doc18’s Flickr Buddy Icon Reply Greasemonkey script might be just what such hardcore Flickerers are looking for:

It adds name_reply and icon_reply links at each of the comments under your photo. When you click on the link, the buddy icon html code will be added into the Add your comment box, where you can show nicely who your replies are directed at.

The enhancement does more than just drop in a thumbnail of the user’s buddy icon into your post. The HTML for the inserted icon provides all the contextual features of the user’s full profile icon, including links to the user’s profile, photos, tags, sets, archives, and favorites:

Flickr Reply with Profile

This is just one of many Greasemonkey scripts I now use regularly with Flickr, so much so that I end up taking them for granted as features of the service, forgetting that they’re add-ons. Check out the Flickr Hacks group for tons of great user scripts and other Flickr-specific hacks.


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