Pogo pin test jig

Pogo pin test jig

Pogos T

Pogoears T-1
If you’re a kit maker and need to do tons of testing, making a test jig is one of the best ways to save time and money…

HOW TO – Make a pogo pin testing jig. For more complicated projects, you may need to have a longer testing procedure in which case we can make multi-step testers that also keep the PCB held down with little ears! The plastic pieces hold down the PCB against the pogo bed.

This tester, when used with a little batch script, performs the following test:

  • Reprograms the board’s fuses and flash with a bootloader (via the ISP port). For this part we’re using the Arduino as an ISP programmer (there’s a sketch that does this)
  • The computer then bootloads (via USB) a pin-by-pin testing program
  • Once the board indicates the test completed, the computer erases the testing program
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