For element14’s Hack Like Heck contest, Clem Mayer created this cool Raspberry Pi (and Arduino) based VR rig so that he could play an immersive version of the classic video game, Doom.
In the video, Clem does a good job of explaining his ideas behind the build, what issues he had to overcome along the way, and how his results worked out. He started out hoping that he could use a sole RBpi 3 B to control both the game and the motion sensing for head tracking. In the end, he had to use an Arduino to pre-process that data and then port it over USB to the the Pi for processing. For the VR rig itself, he used a pair of cheap Eachine VR-007 goggles. For motion tracking, he employed a MPU6050 gyro/accelerometer module.
You can see a complete list of parts used on Clem’s Hack Like Heck contest entry page.