In front of a packed house at Engadget Expand, The Sea Slugs took the title for the first-ever Raspberry Pi Make: Off. Their web-based wireless device locator impressed the judges for its ambitiousness and resourceful use of materials, many of which were taken from the show floor at the Jacob K. Javits Center. For winning, they’ll be featured in MAKE Magazine and will be given stage time to present their project at Maker Faire New York in 2014.
Their competition, Team Astronaut Mike Dexter came in a close second with their Steampunk-inspired photo booth, complete with Instagram effects. In the last-minute rush to put everything together, they encountered some issues with electromagnetic interference from the monitor’s power cord. After some slight adjustments, they managed to get it mostly working and were able to demo it for the audience. Check out the video below for the full awards presentation and contest wrap up.