Using an old mouse and a 3/32″ stereo jack, Dave Schlier hacked together a nice little shutter release for many Pentax and Canon cameras. One mouse button is used to trigger the half-pressed autofocus mode, and the other triggers the shutter to take a photo.
It will work on Pentax and some Cannon cameras that use a 2.5mm (3/32″) stereo monopug that use the middle and inner pins as separate contacts and the outer (large) pin as common.
Supplies: 3/32″ stereo jack (solder connections), 3 or 4 wire cable (I used phone wire), old 2-button mouse.
It’s a fun way to make use of an old mouse. With the right connector and some slight adjustments, you should be able to adjust this to work with any camera that uses this type of remote shutter release.