New RFID kit, “Tikitag”… Looks like the value here is the example applications and use of their web site?
The tikitag starter package, together with the tikitag service on http://www.tikitag.com can be used to create your Internet of Things. With tikitag, objects can be made smart and applications can become accessible via a simple touch.
Usage: From linking your toddler’s toys to Internet websites towards creating or customizing your own loyalty or renting service, the applications of the tikitag starter package are only limited by your imagination.
Contents: The tikitag starter package contains one USB RFID reader and 10 RFID tags (smart stickers).
System requirements: The USB reader works with PC Windows XP and Vista and with MacOSX 10.4 or later (Intel version only).
Technical: The USB reader works at 13.56MHz (High Frequency RFID) and has a readout distance of about 4 cm (1 inch) when used with the tikitag RFID tags.