BaR2D2 – mobile droid bartender

Robotics Technology


After a long day on Tatooine fighting off Sandpeople and haggling over the price of power converters, Obi-Wan and Luke Skywalker walk into a droid…

BaR2D2 is a radio-controlled, mobile bar that features a motorized beer elevator, motorized ice/mixer drawer, six-bottle shot dispenser, and sound activated neon lighting. The robot is driveable so you can take the party on the road! It was created in my garage using standard hand/power tools and readily available parts and materials.

BaR2D2’s creator, Jamie Price, sent us a link that includes all the construction details, as well as a few photos of the droid with C3PO, R2, Vader, and some Stormtroopers at the Dragon*con convention.

Build A Mobile Bar – BaR2D2

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