More SRL Footage - Make: More SRL Footage - Make:

More SRL Footage

More SRL Footage

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Now that I’ve seen robots with 318 cubic inch engines, I’m ready for a robot the size of a house… wait, there was one of those in the performance too!

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The thing that really makes SRL special is the community of people around it. Even though many of the machines are rather dangerous, (it is the most dangerous show on Earth) the crew is dedicated to safety. I stood behind a machine that fires cans at high speed with compressed air and when it wasn’t shooting, it was always pointed up. Safety is first at an SRL show.

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I learned a lot about machines and possibilities by watching the show. Watching machines do things that I’d never seen machines do opened up potential for all sorts of possibilities. Pneumatics, hydraulics, internal combustion, and sheer ingenuity all worked together to make a great show. I’ve got my pics up here and I’m watching the flickr tag for srl here.

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