SolderSmoke is a podcast of with two amateur radio experimenters who discuss workbench radio projects and all sorts of things in the world of homebrew electronics (they do the show from Juno, Alaska & Central London over the echolink system) we’ve covered them here before on MAKE, but check out their latest shows. I’m listening to the October 7,2006 right now… – “Interview with Ashhar Farhan, Indian homebrewer and father of the famed BITX-20 transceiver. HB in India EMRFD. W7ZOI influence. Hans Summers. Quadrature rigs. DSB and PSK31. Homebrew test gear. The importance of measurement, Tektronix scope. Homebrew heartaches. Homebrew spirit. Symmetry.” – Link.
- Podcast from Ham radio operators… – Link.