Hanna Perner-Wilson just released a kit version of her fabric bend sensor– everything you need to make one yourself!
This is a kit, meaning that it comes unassembled and requires you to have tools and some regular sewing thread as well as about half an hour time for completion.
This kit contains:
* Two 2 x 12 cm pieces of 1.5 mm thick HS quality neoprene with polyester jersey fused to each side (gray, purple)
* Two 1.5 x 9.5 cm pieces of Velostat
* Two 1 x 2 cm pieces of stretch conductive fabric with fusible interfacing adhered to one side
* 60 cm of conductive thread
* 1:1 Instruction stencil printout on A4 paper
To compete this kit you will need:
* Regular clothing iron
* About 60 cm of regular sewing thread
* Sewing needle
* Scissors for cutting thread
* Knife for cutting out stencil
* Pen for marking stencil
You can use her Instructable as a guide to construction.