You Find Makers in the Strangest Places, or My Dentist Built the Squelette Amp

You Find Makers in the Strangest Places, or My Dentist Built the Squelette Amp

I was at my prosthodontist’s office the other day getting some work done and the conversation turned to what I do for work. I told my dentist, Vu Huynh, DMD that I worked as a Web Producer for MAKE magazine. He almost dropped the cheek clamps (not a real thing…). He’s a subscriber and a maker. He told me about some of the projects that he’s worked on. One of his favorite builds was the Squelette, a bare-bones amplifier project that we featured in Volume 23. Vu took a few liberties in his build that I found interesting. For instance, he separated the power supply from the rest of the circuit to minimize noise. It’s a nice little amp, and a great project for those new to electronics. Sadly, even with my increased cred with the doc, I didn’t get an extra lollipop — or a discount on the bill.


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