Modernizing The Craft Of Hand Engraving

Art & Sculpture Metalworking
Modernizing The Craft Of Hand Engraving

Some of you may already know that I enjoy a hobby that is the fine craft of engraving by hand. I’ll include some videos down at the bottom of my work, but just know that I’m familiar enough to really be aware of the painpoints in the process.

The most common engraving system right now is pneumatic handpiece. That means that you have a slight bit of air pressure running into a simple mechanical handheld piece that emulates a hammer. This allows for hammer and chisel style movement and results while being able to use one hand for moving the part and the other for moving the tool.

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This system replaces all the air compressor bits with a solenoid, allowing for much better control over speed and power. After fiddling with my pneumatic one for a few years, I really have to say that this system looks incredibly appealing. Even better, they’ve released everything so you can build your own!

I’m very very tempted to follow this system and make my own solenoid driven handpiece. There is one out there that is sold as a commercial product, but it is quite pricy. I’m not afraid of a little DIY and honestly I think a tool with a little more control of power might improve my work a bit too.

And now, since I know some of you are curious, here are a couple of my hand endgraved projects

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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