Solar-Powered Dowel Cutter - Make: Solar-Powered Dowel Cutter - Make:

Solar-Powered Dowel Cutter

Technology Woodworking
Solar-Powered Dowel Cutter

I love this elegant if “almost useless” machine that Alex Weber created:

This little machine uses a so called solar engine to drive the motor. This solar engine is able to collect tiny amounts of energy over time and stores it in large capacitors. When the voltage reaches a certain level, it opens up and uses all the stored energy at once to drive a motor. These engines were used to drive tiny BEAM-bots and were quite popular a while ago. A lot of information can be found at on how to build them and how they work.

[via Matt Mets]

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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