How-To: Headless Marie Antoinette Costume - Make: How-To: Headless Marie Antoinette Costume - Make:

How-To: Headless Marie Antoinette Costume


Banner Halloween Cafts

By Nicole Magne
Everyone knows Halloween is a great opportunity to scare the crap out of your friends and look good doing it. My costume idea was inspired by the Marie Antoinette movie. I found a bunch of great “headless” costumes online that used the basic technique I wanted. Being a fan of zombie flicks, I took this inspiration to the next level, aiming for gory realism.


Sewing machine

Relevant Parts

Blue sheet foam insulation If you’d rather carve, you can use this foam insulation from the hardware store and carve it with a hot wire
Acrylic paints
Wooden dowels or other piping
Oversized dress
Long gloves
Cotton stuffing
Sculpting clay
Plaster of Paris
Sealer and mold release agent for plaster mold
I used Universal Mold Release, and Super Seal sealer
Urethane liquid flexible foam I cast the costume bust with FlexFoam-iT X liquid foam from
Go to MAKE: Projects for the full directions
Halloween Headlessmarie Full

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