My goal was to figure out the simplest and most inexpensive recipe to make your own scratch boards. This will probably not hold up to the professional grade ones, to those veterans out there, but it does give you a pretty decent result for a fraction of the cost. Also this recipe does not contain animal products like most high-grade art materials do. Please enjoy, experiment and share this concoction.
Projects from Make: Magazine
DIY Scratch Art
Artist Natalie McKean creates striking and gorgeous works of art that often focus on the intersection of the natural world and machines/robots. She actually started out working in pen and ink, but found that she was filling in all the negative space with black anyway, so scratch art was a natural next step. She and her dog Rowan live in her northern California hometown of Cloverdale, where she works out of her live/work studio. She makes a living off of her art, which she admits is “hard, but worth every bit of it.”
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