
How to Track a Shark

How to Track a Shark

When scientists tracked great white sharks to a mysterious mid-Pacific hangout, they nicknamed it the White Shark Café — are they eating, or meeting? What’s going on out there? Monterey Bay Aquarium (MBA) researcher Dr. Sal Jorgensen wanted eyes on the scene, so he and engineer Thomas Maughan at sister institution MBARI developed a Shark […]

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How To Use AI To Build Optimized Models In Fusion 360: Generative Design

How To Use AI To Build Optimized Models In Fusion 360: Generative Design

Autodesk recently added a futuristic function to its Fusion 360 design software. The new Generative Design workspace uses cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) software that designs mesh and T-spline models with parameters that you provide. It’s called generative because the software generates dozens or hundreds of solutions from those parameters. If you don’t like any of […]

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Minoring in the Majors: A Crash Course in Making

Minoring in the Majors: A Crash Course in Making

Have you ever thought about how makers measure their success? Obviously, making a successful project is a pretty good sign. But, what about the times where a project doesn’t work like you envision? I’m talking about when the making process of brainstorming, prototyping, and creating results in, well, nothing. A flop. A failure. A pile […]

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Across The Sea, Eventually

Across The Sea, Eventually

What began as a joke between college kids quickly morphed into a challenge, an obsession, and years later, careers in the industry and a startup of our own.

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Making Competence,  Making Confidence

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Making Competence, Making Confidence

Not feeling like a legitimate maker? The sinking sensation is more common than you may think. Here’s how beat imposter syndrome when it strikes.

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Meet the Duo Behind Online Robotics Education Platform CodeJoy

Meet the Duo Behind Online Robotics Education Platform CodeJoy

Meet the team behind the streaming robotics-education platform, CodeJoy

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