In celebration of our Geek Chic month here at MAKE, we’re bringing you the most massive collection of e-textiles ever to be found in one place!
Tutorials and Projects
CRAFT Video: LilyPad Arduino 101
Soundie the touch-sensitive hoodie
Diana Eng’s LED Nightlife Necklace
EMSL’s soft circuit merit badge
Hannah Perner-Wilson‘s many sensor tutorials! Also an interview!
- Stroke sensor
- Conductive fabric pressure sensor
- Conductive thread pressure sensor
- Stretch sensitive bracelet
- Crochet sensors
- Soft tilt-sensing bracelet
- Neoprene bend sensor
- Embroidered potentiometers
- Knit stretch sensor
CRAFT Video: LilyPad Arduino Blinking Bike Patch
That’s just the tip of the iceberg — read on for the rest, including books, kits, and more projects! Please drop us a link to your e-textile project in the comments!
Fairytale Fashion Show: Close Up
EL wire primer in MAKE Volume 21
TV-B-Gone Hoodie (look for an updated version of this tutorial in the upcoming MAKE, Volume 23)
Hilarious secret handshake from the future
EKG-controlled Game of Life hoodie
Electronic Embroidery – CRAFT Video and article in CRAFT Volume 09
OLEDs may still have a long way to go, but here’s an OLED dress!
Fashion Geek by Diana Eng
Fashioning Technology by Syuzi Pakhchyan – video preview on CRAFT
Fashionable Technology by Sabine Seymour – inside look on MAKE
Switch Craft by Alison Lewis and Fang-Yu Lin – review on CRAFT
LilyPad E-Sewing Kit – great if you need a LOT of conductive thread and want super-flat LEDs ($39.95 in the Maker Shed)
LED Sewing Kit – similar to above, but just enough conductive thread to make your first project rock ($15 in the Maker Shed)
Techno-Shugei Kit – same as the LED Sewing Kit, but without the battery holder, and sold in Japan
LilyPad Pro Kit – extend the kits above with some computational power! ($49.95 in the Maker Shed)
Aniomagic Soft iPhone/iPod Touch Remote Kit – includes a special connector that makes a DIY remote super easy!
Conductive Booster Pack – full of some more fun conductive fabrics, and other goodies! ($45 in the Maker Shed)
Be sure to watch Make: Online’s wearables archive, and also the soft circuits and fashion tech archives on CRAFT!