Behold This Cross-Stitched Metroid Shirt In All Its Pixelated Glory - Make: Behold This Cross-Stitched Metroid Shirt In All Its Pixelated Glory - Make:

Behold This Cross-Stitched Metroid Shirt In All Its Pixelated Glory

Craft & Design Fun & Games
Behold This Cross-Stitched Metroid Shirt In All Its Pixelated Glory
Amythelamey spent 4 weeks (2-hours a day) cross-stitching her Metroid Samus shirt at a resolution of 80 X 140 stiches or pixels.
Amythelamey spent 4 weeks (2-hours a day) cross-stitching her Metroid Samus shirt at a resolution of 80 X 140 stiches or pixels.

When I was young, I used to see my mom cross stitching different pictures over the years and figured this must be what old women (she was in her 30’s at that point) do to pass the time.

I soon found out that this in fact wasn’t the case and learned to have a great appreciation for the ‘embroidering arts’ after receiving a framed picture of an awesome medieval castle.

That notion was recently solidified again after seeing Imgur user amythelamey’s Metroid Samus shirt, which features the alien blasting character of the popular NES game.

The tricky part of putting a cross-stitched image on a t-shirt is getting rid of the waste canvas, which has to be carefully cut away without damaging the threads.
The tricky part of putting a cross-stitched image on a t-shirt is getting rid of the waste canvas, which has to be carefully cut away without damaging the threads.

Amythelamey started her shirt by first computer-generating a pattern with each pixel representing on stitch. She then used it as template on the canvas that was stitched directly to the shirt. The tricky part was getting rid of the waste canvas, which was cut away thread by thread very carefully without damaging the cross stitching.

The process of waste canvas removal can be seen on another of amythelamy’s designs, which features other notable videogame characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog.
The process of waste canvas removal can be seen on another of amythelamy’s designs, which features other notable videogame characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog.

Samus isn’t the only videogame character she has cross stitched to a shirt — Pikachu, Sonic the Hedgehog and Charizard have all found a place on one t-shirt or another and all look as incredible as her Metroid shirt.

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