DFRobot Encourages the Open Hardware Community - Make: DFRobot Encourages the Open Hardware Community - Make:

DFRobot Encourages the Open Hardware Community

Arduino Computers & Mobile Robotics
DFRobot Encourages the Open Hardware Community
Featured at the 10th annual Maker Faire Bay Area.

DFRobot is a Shanghai-based open source hardware facilitator whose mission is to encourage people to develop their own products and simply enable more rapid project creation.

We caught up with Hector Saldana of DFRobot to find out more about the company’s offerings. Saldana notes one of their main focuses of DFRobot is to reduce the time it takes people to learn a new sensor by releasing open source code examples and libraries.

Saldana also shares his excitement for their new robotics platform Vortex, which he says is coming to a crowd funding platform very soon. You can be sure we will keep you posted as the platform sounds pretty interesting.

The majority of the boards found on DFRobot’s site are custom spins of existing open hardware boards such as Arduino, breadboard friendly breakout boards for a variety of sensors, and even specialized carrier boards for the Intel Edison’s exceptionally small Hirose connector.

DFRobot's Ricky Ye with a Make: magazine editor's choice blue ribbon
DFRobot‘s Ricky Ye with a Make: magazine editor’s choice blue ribbon

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I love to tinker and write about electronics. My days are spent building projects and working as a Technical Editor for MAKE.

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