This Jurassic Park tour vehicle replica seems like it could have been driven straight out of the original Jurassic Park movie. This awesome car was made by Imgur user scoodidabop. He started with a ’93 Ford Explorer and made quite a few changes to it. He spent about two years looking for the parts he needed and spent over a year actually working on it.
For those who are unfamiliar with the movie, or haven’t watched it lately, this was the transport that they planned to use during the tours of Jurassic Park once it was open to the public. The vehicle was decked out with everything they thought you would need during a tour of the park.
Even though it doesn’t appear that the new movie will be using this classic design, it is still fun to look at all the little details that were added and remember the adventures this vehicle went through during the original movie.
The work he put into his build is quite amazing. He created a custom dashboard that left room for the computer console which displays the interactive information on the park just like in the movie. Also, even though it took him some time, he also made sure to get the right brush guard for the front of the car.
Everything about this replica is amazing, but I particularly like the little details he made sure to add in. He made sure he had a spot for the iconic cups of water on the dashboard and also included the supply case in the back of the vehicle that is covered in random objects including detailed Jurassic Park pamphlets. Check out these images, and more on his Imgur, and see what you think of his finished build. Except for the window that was in the roof of the vehicle in the video, I think he is pretty spot on.
Check out this video to get a peek at the car and to get a quick glimpse of the working computer console.