Calling all Makers: Here’s your chance to “think globally, act locally” and support Maker Faire — and your local bookstore, too.
Make: has partnered with our friends at Barnes & Noble to bring Making to 650 domestic stores for the weekend of November 6 to 8, as part of the Barnes & Noble Mini Maker Faire program.
This is your chance to share — at a very local level — your projects, your passion, and your enthusiasm for Making.
The Barnes & Noble Mini Maker Faire will show up in three ways at each store:
- The Make Workspace: An area to experience the latest technologies in 3D printing, robotics, coding, programming, and more.
- Meet the Makers: A special area will be set up in each store for Makers to showcase their projects. You’ll also be able to apply to get more deeply involved with the Maker community.
- Make & Collaborate: Get hands-on with Making, sharing, and collaborating.
There will be many special events for Makers at select Barnes & Noble stores during the weekend of November 6–8, 2015, and we will be visiting and reporting from many of the locations.
We are thrilled to be able to spread the word on Making to all these locations during this weekend. We look forward to seeing Makers connecting with other Makers so they can inspire each other, and teach each other new skills. We’re happy to partner with Barnes & Noble to make this distributed Mini Maker Faire happen.
To learn more about the Barnes & Noble Mini Maker Faire and to submit an application to present your project at your local store, visit the Mini Maker Faire page. The application deadline is Friday, October 2, 2015. If you are selected to participate in this inaugural event, you will be notified by someone from the Barnes & Noble team by Friday, October 9, 2015.
Keep on Making!