Greening Cities with Snap-Together DIY Farming Kits | Make: Greening Cities with Snap-Together DIY Farming Kits | Make:

Greening Cities with Snap-together DIY Farming Kits

CNC & Machining Digital Fabrication Energy & Sustainability Food & Beverage
Greening Cities with Snap-together DIY Farming Kits


AKER has designed a range of products to help people transform their yards, rooftops, balconies, and community gardens into areas for productive small-scale agriculture. The kits’ parts are CNC routed from high-quality, responsibly sourced plywood and take under an hour to assemble. If you live near a makerspace or fab lab with a CNC you can download the source files and make your own!

AKER is powered by its community. The team worked with naturalist beekeepers to design their Colorado Top Bar Assembly beehive. The beehive’s design lets the bees build their own freeform comb, so you can start producing honey while strengthening your local ecosystem with these busy little pollinators.

AKER beehive - AkerKits

Like the bees in a hive, we all have to work together to build the world we want. During POC21, AKER developed multiple format open source files for their designs, making their kits easy to modify and cut on a variety CNC machines. AKER is forming a community of people who want to create a sustainable food revolution in urban areas. So download some files, upload your edits, and we’ll hope to join you in your rooftop garden soon!

This is one of the many cool projects to come out of the POC21 conference where 100 eco-hackers gathered in a French castle to brainstorm ways to improve the world.

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Michael Floyd is a creative director and sustainability consultant. As Marketing Lead for Autodesk's Making for Impact program, his work supports and amplifies the positive environmental and social impact of the global maker community. Originally from the US, he has been a Londoner for seven years

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