Easy to Store PVC Sensory Table for Kids - Make: Easy to Store PVC Sensory Table for Kids - Make:

Easy to Store PVC Sensory Table for Kids

Craft & Design Home Workshop
Easy to Store PVC Sensory Table for Kids


Store bought play tables can be quite expensive, and bulky to store. Nicole Carney from Busy Bugs came up with a design for a sensory table that allows it to be broken down and stored away when not in use. Also, the removable tub allows you to keep a few separate bins on hand, one for water, another for sand or rice, or whatever materials you like really. And swapping them out is a cinch.


This is a fantastic project that can be build in an afternoon, and only requires the use of a few simple hand tools. This would be a great addition to a primary teacher’s classroom, since it is also quite cheap to make, compared to the store bought type.

Check out the tutorial on how to make your own PVC sensory table here.

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Maker Extraordinaire from Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. Lover of all things CNC and handmade.

agnesmakes.com @agawaffle

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