How-To: Milk Jug Skeleton - Make: How-To: Milk Jug Skeleton - Make:

How-To: Milk Jug Skeleton


Last weekend, I dropped my daughter off at a Girl Scout meeting and spied this awesome milk jug skeleton on the front porch of her troop leader’s house (pictured above – thanks, Kate!). It was adorable, and something that seemed like it would be a fun, long-lasting project to make with my kids. I came home and did some searching and found a few versions online. This tutorial from The Party Animal, which includes pattern pieces, seemed to be one of the best versions I found. The next day, another friend randomly shared a picture of her friend’s milk jug skeleton on my Facebook page, and I knew this was no accident. I must make one immediately.
CRAFT Halloween Contest
Inspired to craft something for Halloween? Be sure to enter it in our CRAFT Halloween contest to win cool prizes. Costumes, decor, food – whatever you create forHalloween is welcome in the contest. Read our full contest page for all the details.

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