How-To: Homemade Popsicles - Make: How-To: Homemade Popsicles - Make:

How-To: Homemade Popsicles

Food & Beverage

CRAFT Summer Camp

By Marie LeBaron
This summer is already turning out to be a hot one and we’re trying to find ways to cool off. It seems all you need is a swimsuit, bubbles, and a popsicle! So we’re making yummy homemade popsicles in all kinds of flavors. Using different ingredients to make our popsicles, we’re having a summer popsicle taste test. Which flavor is your favorite?
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Popsicles Materials


Small paper cups
Popsicle sticks
Fruit juice
Fresh or frozen fruit
Plain yogurt
Vanilla ice cream
Blender or food processor


Popsicles Step1
Step 1: Mix and mash up your ingredients. You can measure out your ingredients or eyeball it. For the yogurt and ice cream popsicles, It depends if you want more of a cream flavor or fruit flavor, so I’ll let you decide your amount. (It’s going to taste good, any way you make it!) You can use a fruit/vegetable masher or some type of blender. I used both. The masher makes for a more chunky popsicle and the blender makes it a little more smooth. They are both good and I actually liked it a little chunky myself.
Popsicles Step2
Step 2: Pour your popsicle combinations into small 2″ paper cups. We have lemonade juice, mashed up one bananas and 4 strawberries, blended yogurt with blueberries, and blended ice cream with strawberries. Lots of different choices. Add a popsicle stick to each cup.
Popsicles Step3
Step 3: Place your cup into the freezer. Try to let these freeze for at least 4-5 hours, or overnight if you can. You can add a little plastic wrap to cover them for freshness, but mine came out just fine without it.
Popsicles Step4
Step 4: Once your popsicles are frozen and it’s time to eat them, you’ll need to slide them out of their cups. Run a little warm water around the outside of the cup, then twist the stick and the popsicle should slide out. If it doesn’t slide out, then you can tear the paper cup away from the popsicle. This is why I chose to use paper cups.
Popsicles Step5
Step 5: Place them all on your tray and let the kids do some taste testing. It depends if you want a juice or a cream type popsicle. My son loved the ice cream with strawberries as you can see below. My daughter really like the all fruit popsicle, and it’s a great one to make if you have milk allergies or just want a more healthy choice.
Popsicles Step6
Have fun with your summer plans to beat the heat. Try these popsicles to help cool you down.
About the Author:
Author Marielebaron
Marie LeBaron is a crafter, foodie, and mother of three from Salt Lake City, Utah. You can see more of her crafts at her blog Make and Takes.

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