Owl pellet dissection kit - Make: Owl pellet dissection kit - Make:

Owl pellet dissection kit

Home Science
Owl pellet dissection kit
owl pellet.JPG

We gave owl pellet dissection kits as party favors a couple of years ago – they’re easy to put together and make great holiday gifts! We included a couple of owl pellets, dissecting forceps, a magnifier (we like the Private Eye loupe, you can nest them for higher magnification) and a Riker box to display the especially nice bones. It’s fun if you can get pellets from different types of owls and from different geographic regions so you can compare the contents. Owl pellets are available from Mountain Home Biological, Owl Brand Discovery Kits, and Carolina Biological Supply. Kidwings has great information about dissecting pellets, and we got the bone chart from the Carolina Biological Supply site.

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