The Maker Shed at World Maker Faire NY has been exciting to set up, as we unload box after box of DIY Kits, Tools, Books, and Fun. One of the most exciting parts is when we unveil new products, and today we are proud to be launching the new family of Arduino Boards at World Maker Faire NY.
They are available immediately in the Maker Shed here at the New York Hall of Science in Queens, NY. But wait; that’s not all; several members of the Arduino team are joining us here to officially announce the new Arduino boards and to talk with anyone who’s interested in Arduino:
The new family of Arduino Boards will be officially presented at the Maker Faire – New York to happen at NY’s Hall of Science, September 25 & 26, 2010. Massimo Banzi, Tom Igoe, and Dave Mellis, will represent the Team… The team members will be around during Saturday and Sunday. You are more than welcome to pass by and ask anything about the future of our platform. On Sunday, September 26th, at 3PM EST (10PM CET) the team will be on stage presenting the improvements made to our hardware, our plans for helping the Open Source Hardware community develop further, and our new image.
The Arduino team will be unveiling more details about the new boards throughout the day. Keep an eye on the Arduino Blog, and see their Dinner is Ready post for more details.