Super Maker: Jamie Price - Make: Super Maker: Jamie Price - Make:

Super Maker: Jamie Price

Super Maker: Jamie Price


In Nashville, Tenn. there exists a man who is infamous for his creations. Legend has it that he once made lightening by rubbing together two kittens. I suspect I just made that up.  However, I did meet a man at the 2013 Nashville Mini Maker Faire whose creations are of such high caliber that I would classify him as a “super maker”.

Jamie Price is this man. By day he’s an account executive for a local printing company but by night he’s a super hero maker!  Wherever there’s trouble, you’ll find Jamie donning his incredible 14′ long dinosaur costume and riding his homemade turbine jet engine (with afterburner, of course…).  He’s most known for his infamous Bar2D2 but as I saw at the fair, he has quite a portfolio of incredible creations.

You may be asking “what makes a super maker?” For me, its the incredible attention to detail. When you see Jamie’s creations you know that he’s spent countless hours on them and that they work flawlessly. You don’t even have to put propane to the turbine jet engine to know that it was meticulously created and has no choice but to be perfect. These “super” makers stand out in a crowd and they cause every other maker to feel compelled to raise their game (and fight crime). I’m proud to have Jamie and others like him in Nashville to challenge the rest of us to be better makers.

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I'm a software engineer by day and maker by night. Most of my making revolves around woodworking, electronics, and the combination of the two. I'm also the founder & president of NashMicro - the Nashville Microcontrollers users' group and the father of three future makers. Follow me on Twitter as @ianlee74 or for the most recent news on everything Gadgeteer, follow @gadgeteerin.

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