Making a Better Stylus - Make: Making a Better Stylus - Make:

Making a Better Stylus

Making a Better Stylus

My most memorable moments at the Nashville Mini Maker Faire were meeting the mini Makers.  These are the kids who are wise beyond their years and they have a mission and have started executing it. These kids remind me of myself when I was their age and there aren’t enough of them. So, when you meet them you know that you better take notice because they are the ones that will change the world some day.

Azeem Husain is one of these kids. He was dissatisfied with the stylus that he was using with his tablet and rather than complain or just deal with it he set out to build a better stylus. After much study and several prototypes, Azeem has created a stylus that works amazingly well using a wet wick inside a plastic tube.

His stylus has a conductive foil spot on the outside that allows his finger to complete a circuit between the foil and the tip of the stylus via the wet wick on the inside. The stylus can work for up to two weeks before more water has to be added to the stylus by simply unscrewing the top and dipping the filament in water. It’s a very simple, yet very elegant solution that could be produced for much less than the $30 models that inspired him to make his own.

Keep an eye out for this young man. I have a feeling we’ll see a lot more of him in the future.  I can’t wait to see what he brings to the fair next year!

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I'm a software engineer by day and maker by night. Most of my making revolves around woodworking, electronics, and the combination of the two. I'm also the founder & president of NashMicro - the Nashville Microcontrollers users' group and the father of three future makers. Follow me on Twitter as @ianlee74 or for the most recent news on everything Gadgeteer, follow @gadgeteerin.

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