Ditch the Aluminum for an Elegant Wooden Computer Enclosure | Make: Ditch the Aluminum for an Elegant Wooden Computer Enclosure | Make:

Ditch the Aluminum for an Elegant Wooden Computer Enclosure

Computers & Mobile Technology Woodworking Workshop
Ditch the Aluminum for an Elegant Wooden Computer Enclosure

Computer cases are generally made out of metal, or in some cases, plastic, but a wooden case will be a new concept to most readers. According to creator Louis Vanwalleghem, he started his build “with no experience in neither woodworking or computers so my techniques used are very basic.” However, he reports that he’s “very pleased with the end result and I recommend anyone who is in doubt about starting a similar project to just commit to it.”

Probably good advice for anyone who reads Make:!


The build begins with Vanwalleghem receiving a base from a carpentry shop where he worked for a short time. They used stacked plywood sheets with the inside cut out to make boxes. Per his request, they cut out 20 sheets of plywood of 10mm thickness 420mm square on the outside and cut the inside to 360mm square. These sheets were stacked and glued, with a small iron pin in the corners to keep everything aligned.

Once Vanwalleghem received this hollow block, he got to work creating his PC case. He used a chisel, then a Dremel tool to create a recession for the outer panels. He then cutout holes with a jigsaw and file for four 140mm fans. These were placed on the top and bottom of the case to allow for a more natural air flow. Although this might seem potentially noisy, according to him, “With help of the fan controller the sound they produce can be made very reasonable.”

Several other square holes were cut, and panels for the front and back were installed. The front is a black piece of plexiglass that can be illuminated with LEDs to see inside as shown, and the back is metal. In order to keep wiring hidden, the back actually features two walls so that it can be concealed between the two.

[via Reddit]


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Jeremy is an engineer with 10 years experience at his full-time profession, and has a BSME from Clemson University. Outside of work he’s an avid maker and experimenter, building anything that comes into his mind!

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