Raspberry PiBoy Mixes Walnut, Carbon Fiber, and Retro Gaming - Make: Raspberry PiBoy Mixes Walnut, Carbon Fiber, and Retro Gaming - Make:

Raspberry PiBoy Mixes Walnut, Carbon Fiber, and Retro Gaming

CNC & Machining Digital Fabrication Raspberry Pi Technology
Raspberry PiBoy Mixes Walnut, Carbon Fiber, and Retro Gaming

Make: alumni Michael Castor sent us a note to show off his latest project. He’s built a gorgeous handheld gaming system that mixes walnut and carbon fiber.

Michael got his hands on a drop in board called a “Super AIO” that has pretty much all the needed components for a handheld gaming system. All that was left was to craft a gorgeous case and piece it together.

I wanted the device to maintain the 80’s charm of the original Nintendo GameBoy but look more “dapper” and timeless. I like the blend of carbon fiber and wood and wanted it to have a somewhat organic form that would be easy to hold for extended gaming sessions.

Go over to Michael’s blog to see tons of details of how he machined the case and put it all together.

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at CalebKraft.com

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