How To: Quick and Sturdy Workbenches - Make: How To: Quick and Sturdy Workbenches - Make:

How To: Quick and Sturdy Workbenches

Woodworking Workshop
How To: Quick and Sturdy Workbenches

Every time I look at projects for building your own workbenches, storage racks and cabinets, and other shop furnishings, I quickly get intimidated by what looks like a lot of work and I quickly find myself moving on to look at the relatively inexpensive benches and carts available at Harbor Freight. So, I was heartened to see this project, from Instructables staffer Seamster, for creating a sturdy 3-drawer workbench from a piece of old solid-core door and some 2x4s. This project looks approachable enough that anyone can tackle it, regardless of skill-level and available tools.


You can see the full Instructable here.

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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