Celebrate Star Wars Day with These 12 Projects - Make: Celebrate Star Wars Day with These 12 Projects - Make:

Celebrate Star Wars Day with These 12 Projects

3D Printing & Imaging Craft & Design Digital Fabrication Yarncraft
Celebrate Star Wars Day with These 12 Projects

May the Fourth is always a special day for us Star Wars fans. This roundup of projects from a galaxy far, far away will let you show your pride regardless of what kind of making you do.

No Aim Required: Building the Z6 Riot Control Baton from Episode VII

Electricity moves upward along a copper wire inside a white PVC pipe

Make: Senior Editor Caleb Kraft whipped together this Z6 baton a few years back after seeing it in a trailer. The best part about this video isn’t even the final product, but the process video that Caleb includes. Seeing other makers work out their process is not only fascinating to me, but almost always gives me insights onto my own current or future problems.

Print and Fold This Posable Papercraft Star Wars Droid

A grey robot droid folded out of paper rests on a beige table

A quick way to get in the Star Wars spirit, especially if you are out of crafting supplies or didn’t plan ahead, is to print and fold this adorable paper craft droid from Tony Helms (@tonycartoonish).

Talk to Your Friends Like a Star Wars Droid with Particle Photon

A figure wearing a blue droid mask hands a can of orange soda to another figure wearing a white droid mask.

Do some making with a friend and put together these voice changing droid masks using a Photon. Let’s get #TalkLikeADroidDay going!

Your Favorite Obscure Star Wars Droid Is Now a 3D Printed Charger

A white boxy robot stands next to a brown jawa action figure in a brown robe.

8 Star Wars Yarncraft Projects You Can Do While Waiting in Line

If you have an old Anker power cell around, you can show some love for the GNK droid by fabricating your own cell phone charger. Another great project with a lot of details about the design process, and some cool insights on choices in 3D design.

A space station of grey crocheted threads rests next to some small grey crocheted ships on a bed of cotton stuffing to resemble Cloud City

This roundup of fiber projects includes both crocheting, knitting, needlework, and felt creations. Personally the tiny Cloud City is not only a perfect project for May the Fourth, but it will also get you started on your Star Wars Christmas tree.

May the Fourth not enough Star Wars excitement for you? Join us at Maker Faire Bay Area where the Wolves Of Mandalore branch of the Mandalorian Mercs will be appearing, May 18-20 in San Mateo.

Get tickets!

A group of people dressed in multicolored Mandalorian armor from Star Wars stand assembled.

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Light cutter, fashion trend hunter, urbex artist, and space enthusiast.

Staff Photographer and Photo Editor at Make.

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