10 Gift-Worthy DIY Projects on Kollabora, and a Giveaway!

Craft & Design Yarncraft
These Fox Slippers are adorable, and they’d make a fun and unique holiday gift.

Have you heard of Kollabora? It’s a site that incorporates quality tutorials (knitting, crochet, jewelry, and sewing), a marketplace to buy crafting supplies, and a social platform where you can share photos, post your own projects, and ask questions. Kollabora is self-described as “a wondrous, one-stop destination for everything you need to make something awesome” … and I agree.

If you haven’t explored Kollabora already, now’s a great time to do so. There are so many beautiful holiday gift ideas! Remember: DIY > buy. I’ve gathered a few of my favorite projects. Take a look!

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Want to win a $150 gift certificate to the Kollabora Marketplace, to buy your own supplies and get started making beautiful things? Comment on this blog post, telling us what craft project you’d like to make, and you’ll be entered for a chance to win! We will consider comments posted up until 11:59pm PST on Friday, Nov. 30. Good luck!
This post is sponsored by Kollabora.

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

Currently: NEO.LIFE Alum: Instructables and MAKE

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