100-year-old photo blog

Craft & Design

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This photo blog has an amazing view in to what it was like 100 years ago, a lot of the backgrounds have the machinery and what people (in these photos, children) made back then…

Shorpy.com is a photo blog about what life a hundred years ago was like: How people looked and what they did for a living, back when not having a job usually meant not eating. We’re starting with a collection of photographs taken in the early 1900s by Lewis Wickes Hine as part of a decade-long field survey for the National Child Labor Committee, which lobbied Congress to end the practice. One of his subjects, a young coal miner named Shorpy Higginbotham, is the site’s namesake.

Pictured here—

Boy Sweeper and Carding Machines, Lincoln Cotton Mills, Evansville, Indiana. October 1908. Photograph by Lewis Wickes Hine.

Shorpy | The 100-Year-Old Photo Blog – [via] Link.

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