8 Nerdy and Nice Present Wrapping Techniques

Craft & Design Home Paper Crafts

From packages that are electric to interactive wrapping paper to paper hand-stamped with Lego bricks, here are some of our favorite, perhaps a bit nerdy, wrapping projects that we’ve featured on Make:. If you have any special, particularly obsessive wrapping techniques you want to share with us, please do so in the comments.

Make Light Up Christmas Presents

On this episode of DIY Hacks and How-To’s, Jason Poel Smith shows you how to create wonderful under-tree magic with light-up Christmas presents that use induction power to stay illuminated.

How to Fold a Furoshiki Gift Bag

nerdyfuroshiki_designed_by_friedensreich_hundertwasser_for_fernwa%cc%88rme_wien_agEvery aging cyberpunk and Japanophile should know how to fold a furoshiki, a gift-wrap and bundling technique using a single square of fabric.

Make Your Own Kinetic Wrapping Paper

nerdyI love this idea for creating interactive wrapping paper with confetti inside that moves around when you shake the box.

Decoy Gift Wrapping

nerdyGive the gift of misdirected expectations with this clever decoy gift wrapping tutorial.

How to Make Lego-Stamped Wrapping Paper

nerdyMake Lego-themed wrapping paper by using Lego bricks as stamps on blank paper.

Printable Cross-Stitch Wrapping Paper

nerdyGive your gifts a fun B&W cross-stitch/8-bit feel with this printable cross-stitch wrapping paper.

Date Stamp Wrapping Paper

date-stamp-gift-wrap-01Create your own cool, retro wrapping paper using a vintage date stamp.

More Crafty Gift Wrap Ideas

nerdyScan vintage paint-by-number pictures to create your own unique and kitschy wrapping paper. This is just one of 14 Craft Gift Wrap Ideas in this piece from a few years back.

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at garstipsandtools.com.

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