Ada Lovelace painting purchased on eBay

Craft & Design
Ada Lovelace painting purchased on eBay

Make Pt0537
TG Daily has an amazing story on this unique and historic find for all your programming anthropologists! Original Ada Lovelace painting purchased on eBay via /.

Computer geeks on opposite ends of the Earth have found the original sketch of the world’s first programmer. In a story worthy of a Hollywood movie, a United States Army sergeant in Tajikistan and a programmer in Texas resurrected the legend of Ada Lovelace by buying up a 180-year-old watercolor portrait on eBay.

Ada Lovelace, formally known as Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace is credited with creating the world’s first computer program for the Babbage steam-powered calculating engine. The United States military named their Ada programming language after her and her portrait is used in some Microsoft hologram stickers.

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