Astronomy web cam adapters

Craft & Design
Astronomy web cam adapters

08 Uwal-F Connected
Gaston Groisman @ Kool Tools has a good review (and photo example) from a web cam adaptor for webcam astrophotography – “You no longer need expensive CCDs to take astrophotographs. You can use a webcam! Lots of cool things are happening, but it all started at the QuickCam and Unconventional Imaging Astronomy Group (QCUIAG)…The classic solution is to cool the CCD. This has been done by many, but it is difficult to do. The second method is to stack a whole bunch of individual exposures. This gives a resulting image much better than any single one. Software like RegiStax (freeware) does this, and very well. You don’t even need to modify your webcam’s hardware to do this. Just make or buy an adaptor to fit it to the scope.” Article & Mogg adaptors.

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