Blob Mentality

Craft & Design
Blob Mentality

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Blobwallmoca 01
Blob Mentality A home-improvement project by Greg Lynn evolves into the Blobwall, a modular wall system produced by Panelite… via Beyond the Beyond.

Its name may reek of science fiction, but Greg Lynn’s Blobwall was conceived under pretty prosaic circumstances. Inspired by kids’ outdoor toys and 1970s Italian interiors, Lynn had the idea to put a colorful plastic wall inside the home he is building for his family in Venice Beach, California. He designed a hollow plastic form–a blob, as it were–that could function as a whimsical alter­native to bricks, with heat-welding replacing mor­tar. The commercial applications quickly became appar­ent. “A very big percentage of small-scale construction is plastic,” he says. “But it’s some horrible beige plastic made to look like wood. I thought, Well, why not tackle this big chunk of the environment that, really, nobody designs?”

They look like airbags for homes!

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