I’ve always been intrigued by self-lacing shoes. I first saw them in Back to the Future Part II and I was blown away when Nike developed their own. But I wondered… could I put a self-lacing mechanism into a corset?
In this video, I walk you through how I made a self-lacing corset. I started prototyping with components I had laying around. The first prototype I made tested out the winding assembly. The next step was to sew it onto a garment and test how it worked. The mechanical assembly and electronics were hidden inside the layers of the corset and a control button/switch can be accessed from the front to wind and unwind the laces.
In the end, I accomplished what I set out to do: create a self-lacing corset! The one thing I’ll say is that it could be optimized for more lacing power… I guess I’ll have to make a part two!
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