Craft Spaces: Cathe Holden

Craft & Design

CRAFT: Make Space for Crafting
Cathe Holden of Just Something I Made is a prolific designer and blogger with a beautiful vintage aesthetic to her work. Today she shares her gorgeous work space with us, and shows how her love of vintage items has worked its way into her organizational tools.
Read on after the jump for more photos and a Q&A with Cathe!

CRAFT: What kinds of crafts do you do?
Cathe: I love taking graphic design to another dimension through crafting.  A lot of my crafts involve the computer design at some point. I don’t enjoy producing the same thing over and over again, so most every craft I do is something new and different from the last. Most of my crafts are vintage in nature, whether by using old images or antique supplies and trinkets.
CRAFT: Where do you craft?
Cathe: When my design and craft projects began to completely overtake one end of our bedroom, my husband carved a section out of the garage and built a wonderful little studio for me where I design logos as a business and craft for fun. Often I work at the dining room table when my family is home and where I can spread out larger projects. I have a small workbench just outside my studio in the garage for soldering and Dremel work and still keep a corner of the bedroom as my sewing niche.
CRAFT: How do you keep all your craft supplies organized?
Cathe: I am crazy about vintage watchmakers’s cabinets, old mail-slot organizers, my library card-catalog cabinet, stacks of cigar boxes and anything vintage with drawers and nameplates. I keep all of my fabric and ephemera in vintage suitcases. In my house, I store craft items in an antique dresser near the dining room table. The dresser is a good place to tuck everything for a quick clean-up and then re-sort later. My living room houses my large library of design and idea books.
CRAFT: How do you motivate yourself to keep your space organized?Cathe: I’m not as organized as one might think.  Rather than organize as I go, I tend to have days here and there that I spend putting everything back in its place.
CRAFT: What’s one organization tip/tool/trick you swear by?
Cathe: I label everything. Labeling every drawer, box and container helps me so much as I easily forget where I put things.
CRAFT: How do you feel when your space is organized? Unorganized?
Cathe: When my space is organized I am much more inspired with fresh ideas. When it is unorganized, I am unorganized in thought and low on creativity.
CRAFT: Describe your dream workspace.
Cathe: My dream space would be my studio on a much larger scale with room to sew, and spread out. I think having room for a couch or just a comfy chair to sit and pore through resource books would be wonderful.
CRAFT: How does the way your craft space is organized affect your crafting/creativity?
Cathe: I am much more motivated to create when I can find supplies. Again labeling is huge in my studio as I have so many different types of supplies that I have collected over the years that stay tucked away until I have a crafty brainstorm. If I have a great idea and can’t find a specific item, it is very frustrating.

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